turning your orbit around

or... the utter enormity of the task


what the hell's going on...

big pants played the quadrennial subaru "park n' boogie" on saturday afternoon. here's an article about it from last friday. we had a huge turnout - about 17 people over 2 hours. awesome!

i just love this friggin' picture. robbie dudie!

hiked the sarvis creek wilderness on friday. it was an absurdly beautiful day - high of only 78 or so, no clouds, just a light wind; we started down by the creek, the trail took us up above it, through several meadows, over many smaller creeks, and eventually through a very large tract of lodgepole pine. all the while, we could hear the creek down below, noisy with spring snowmelt, and as we slowly started to descend, we eventually met back up with it about 3 miles into the hike. had lunch on some boulders above a perfect pool for trout. lo and behold, about halfway through my lunch, a big and wild brook trout started feeding right below me. i was kicking myself for having left my rod back in the car.

made it back home by 3:30. marley didn't blister her paws this time, but she bruised them so badly (because she just goes like a bat out of hell the whole time) that her front ones have swollen to almost twice their normal size. dumb dog. we took her in, and the vet said they're now infected, and we've got her on antibiotics, and her paws are all wrapped up. it looks like she has boxing gloves on.

gained about 12 pounds over the winter. not happy. time to start working out regularly again. three years ago, this program helped me lose 20 pounds. went from 207 to 187 in about 5 months. i think i'll give it another go.

that's what the hell's going on.


At 12:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you hear Dee Brown is not going pro. The Illini are back


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