turning your orbit around

or... the utter enormity of the task


i have officially crossed over...

to the scary side of obsession.

folks, my good friend bcb - and fellow fly fishing nut - fishes in the winter. fishes with gloves cut off at the fingertips. fishes with 2 pairs of long underwear and 3 pairs of socks on under his waders. fishes when it's so cold that ice forms in the line guides on his rod. fishes when a good day is catching 2 trout.

and now, so will i.

if all goes as planned, i'll be joining bcb on a super-secret stretch of a colorado western slope river on sunday. i will be cold, and i probably won't catch many fish, but dammit... i will be fishing. with good company, too - bcb has good fish karma, knows what he's doing, and can be gloriously, inappropriately funny.

link o' the day:

folks, there's a comic strip dedicated to libraries that's actually pretty funny. combine the cynicism of dilbert and the whimsical, good natured mischief of calvin and hobbes, and you get unshelved. or maybe i just think it's really funny because i work in libraries. anyway, click on comic strip archive at the top, for previous years.

here's my favorite one of all time.


At 12:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have fun fishing Dave, I still say you would like ice fishing in MAINE. You would only have wear four or five pairs of longjohns.Love you Aunt Connie


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