turning your orbit around

or... the utter enormity of the task


what's the best part of a chicken!!??

if you know the answer to this, then you know my friend timmy potten. unfortunately, due to his exhibitionist tendencies, probably a little too intimately.

"we love it where we from but we kick it where we at." this is a lyric by the digable planets (who are back together and touring this summer, by the way). i've always interpreted it to mean "don't forget your roots, but be happy where you are." which brings me to my current conundrum: timmy, one of the few people in this world for whom i would give my left nut (this nugget of a euphemism is one of timmy's favorites, as he is one of the lewdest and crudest and funniest people i know), is coming home from germany for a week toward the end of july. timmy is my roots, but i think this time around i'm forced to "kick it where i'm at."

now, as much as i would like to get home and golf with timmy and uncle john and tell nasty jokes and drink lots of beer, i just don't think it's going to be possible this summer. like michael jordan and his first three retirements, i'm not ruling it out. but - again, like michael and his first three retirements - i'm about 98 percent sure i won't be able to make it. the usual excuses prevail: not a lot of dough would require us to drive, if we drive that's more time off than i should probably take, etc.

so, timmy, if you're reading: you are, without question, one of my nearest and dearest friends. i apologize for not making it home to see you. we are young, we won't always live this far apart, and there is time yet for us to hang out, golf, drink beer...

and tell fart jokes.


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