turning your orbit around

or... the utter enormity of the task


dancing hippies rule

big pants played art in the park on saturday. it was an 8 song, 45 minute set. we started off very nervous, and i flubbed the chord progression on 'rodeo clowns'. but after that we settled down, and rocked the crowd. we had some dancing hippies from oak creek (i've heard them called oak creatures), a little town about 18 miles south of steamboat. and we also had some little 2 year olds getting down in their diapers.

dancing hippies and future deadheads. sweet.

all in all, if you count the other people milling around artists' booths in the park, we probably played to about 1000 people. there were maybe 150 right in front of us. nerve-wracking but fun.

there was a great turnout - the weather was clouded over and that helped cool things off, but it never rained. so the event went off without any big hitches. jenn did a wonderful job of planning the whole thing, and her calm, solution-oriented approach in stressful situations was really something to see. she put out fire after fire, and kept her cool at times where i would have lost it.

in other news, i mountain biked the buffalo pass/spring creek loop on sunday, in between helping jenn at the concessions booth. it was a real ass kicker. pop, you remember where we went to fish for brook trout that morning last september? up on buff pass? i rode up there. hoooooly crap. i may never do that again.

that's what's new.


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